We design and manufacture industrial extraction systems for machinery and production lines, to capture or remove smoke, dust or fumes deriving from production workings.
For more than 30 years we supported machinery manufacturers with our technical offices, providing consultings and engineerings with the aim to integrate perfectly extraction systems into machines and/or production lines.
We design using parametric 3D-modelling software capable to simulate right from the early stages the impact of our extraction components on plants.
In most industrial production machinery or processes, it is necessary to extract fumes, dust, mists or chips to prevent them from being dispersed within the production area reducing production efficiency.
These processes may create a large number of different pollutants, according to the processed materials and the additives used.
Gamma impianti solves these problems by realising suction hoods or carters customized on the machines employed and then connected by dedicated filtration system fans for processing.
We design and manufacture industrial extraction systems for machinery and production lines, to capture or remove smoke, dust or fumes deriving from production workings.