Activated carbonsSOV can't be filtrated mechanically, they need to be absorbed by activated carbons systems.continue
Welding fumes extractionWelding fumes need to be extracted from the source by suction plants or other specifically designed products.continue
Aspiration for grindingGrinding produces dust with smaller grain sizes, particularly harmful to health.continue
Extraction on the machineWe develop air extraction and purification systems on board machines and production lines.continue
Extraction for varnishingWe develop air extraction and purification systems for professional liquid or powder painting processescontinue
Noise treatmentIndustrial soundproofing, silencers, sound proofing booths and noise reduction systemscontinue
Clean roomsThese environments works on the principle of forced recycle of super-filtered air in sealed room.continue
Air conditioning and heatingIndustrial air treatment for offices, public areas and facilities.continue